Sunday, December 14, 2014

Key Elements of Mandatory Recycling

The key elements of this issue is the cost of recycling and the benefits recycling has on the environment. The cost of recycling, in most cases, is more expensive than landfills. A reason why recycling is more expensive is because the price for picking up and transporting recyclables costs more. There is going to be a sanitation worker who is going to have to drive to pickup recyclables from the houses. For the driver to fill up the truck to as much as trash collections, they are going to need to drive longer and further. The farther the truck drives the more fuel the truck needs and the price of the sanitation worker picking up recyclables goes up. Recycling also costs more because there is more human labor and the recyclables have to be sorted. Trash is just dumped into landfills and is not sorted. Recycling being a beneficial to the environment is a key element because these days people are trying to be healthier and greener. If everyone recycles in the United States, the land would be cleaner and healthier. Recycling reduces water pollution because of the products made out of recyclable materials. Producing goods out of recyclable materials generates less water pollution than making a product out of new materials. Recycling also protects the wildlife. By using recyclable materials it reduces the need to hurt forests and other pieces of land that is essential to wildlife.

 Mandatory recycling laws makes everyone recycle and help the environment. By everyone recycling jobs are created, some energy is saved from recycling, and there is less water pollution. This cartoon has those things listed above on the picture. The person holding the bin has a t-shirt on that says, "Doing My Part". By recycling this person is doing there part to help the environment and economy.

Why Is It An Issue In Modern Economics?

            One way mandatory recycling is an issue in modern economics is because it costs more than landfills in many states. When a state has a lot of trash in their landfill, it can be more costly than recycling. Some people are fighting for mandatory recycling laws even though it is expensive because it keeps our environment clean and healthy. Recycling does not requires a lot of energy and uses less natural resources. Recycling decreases the amount of trash in landfills. There are many businesses that rely on recyclables to make their products out of. Also there are businesses that will only sell products that have been recycled. Without recyclable materials the businesses will go out of business and that would hurt the economy. Having mandatory recycling can create more jobs. Having more jobs in the economy is good because that allows someone who is unemployed and has the skills needed for a new job to take it. The more jobs there are the less unemployment and the more money going into the economy.


Mandatory Recycling

Mandatory Recycling is a program that requires consumers to separate trash so recyclable materials are being recycled instead of going to landfills.